What’s the difference between PR and advertising?


What’s the difference between PR and advertising?

PR can generate editorial coverage in the media that are important to your target audiences. If an article on your business appears in a publication your target audience reads regularly:

  • it offers ‘third party endorsement’- basically, someone else saying you’re good
  • it is more credible – and much cheaper – than advertising
  • it helps to build brand awareness, understanding and familiarity

Check out this quick crib sheet to learn more about the differences between PR and advertising:


You pay for the design of the advert and its insertion in the publication or online platformYou do not have to pay for your press release to be used. The cost involved is simply your time or that of your PR specialist
You have full control over the content of your advert (subject to ASA rules)The content of your press release must be acceptable to the editor
You can choose the focus of your advert. It could be a corporate advert or it could focus on a particular service or productEditors are interested in news. Your release must contain a compelling story which is relevant for their readership
You can select the issue date for your advertYou cannot dictate when your press release is used – or indeed whether it actually is used. If it is not considered newsworthy, it will not be used or may be used in a reduced form.


If you’d like to know more about how PR could help your business, drop me a tweet or leave a comment on facebook.  You can also call me on 07974 161108.